MSO (Melbourne Shuffle Oldskool)
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Global Shuffle 1990-2010 DVD
Global Shuffle 1990:2010 - DVD Out Now !
$14.95 + shipping
80 Mins
16:9 Widescreen
5:1 (big bass) Audio
(Xtreme) Color
Some Strobe lighting
DVD, Download, Rent, thru Amazon
BUY: $14.95 thru Amazon
On the edge of the planet, next stop south pole, there is a city that speaks over 200 languages.
They have one dance, The MELBOURNE SHUFFLE.
Now it's gone Global
We follow the development of this distinctive and much loved underground dance style, from the dark murky dance floors of a recession ravaged Melbourne underground arts community in the early 1990's, to the global dance style of choice by todays online generation born during it's creation.
Directed by Melbourne born and based artist Garry Shepherd GLOBAL SHUFFLE 1990:2010 presents the most creative and significant Melbourne Shufflers and shuffle moves over 20 years, Using rare original archival shuffle footage and interviews shot by Shepherd combined with new footage from todays international shufflers, the documentary examines the impact of Melbourne Shuffle culture with it's inclusive tolerant no-hate ethos, in a world typically at war with itself.
The shuffle community today is principally an online culture. Not based on text, music, or photos. Based on movement. Not until Youtube could we communicate meaningfully about dance.
Dance is learnt by imitation, and it’s difficult to describe movement in text especially when you have no common point of reference. Jump ? How high ? But a few seconds of footage and everybody is clear on it.
The dance language succeeds by crossing spoken/text language barriers and can be engaged at a primary level regardless of spoken language.
There is no spoken language basis in Shuffling, no rap, no lyrics, no singing, no word based poetry. They can be included at will, but Shuffling is predominantly visual communication. Dance, gesture movement, visual arts, fashion. Shuffling is a multidiscipline arts based culture.
The shufflers write, shoot, edit, add music, text, logos, video effects to their short film productions, as well as dance in them. Unknown to many shufflers of today, they are imitating the original shuffle culture, which began in a Melbourne underground TV studio.
So it’s to this audience (though not exclusively ) I’ve chosen the structural narrative for Global Shuffle. It’s a visual and movement language showing the development of moves and style over 20 years. Comparing or contrasting todays shufflers with the oldskool, featuring outstanding performances and artists, and generally trying to have a fun time about it.
Shuffling is a feel good culture. We figure the real world has enough bad stuff for us if we really want it, but we don’t. Give us good friends, a safe place and a smooth bit of floor and we’re happy !
Garry Shepherd Global Shuffle – Director
For discussion, Melbourne Shuffle tutorial, history and scenes from the movie, please see the MSO Forum
Friday, January 6, 2012
Oh yeah, this is for REAL !!! Sign Up, Get Involved on the MSO Forum
Welcome to the Space Shuffle Program.
We reckon the Moon has been a bit neglected as the boffins continue to chase after anything in a red skirt, and want Mars now.
So with the growing interest in Space tourism (once the recession is over) we would like to invite Australia, USA, Russia, China, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, Sth Korea and Nth Korea and any private space travel company or other country with a space program, to meet-up on the Moon as a gesture of good will, to keep the moon as free and natural as possible for as long as we can. Like an international park, with free entry !
We know one day it will be mined, perhaps as a fuel source for interplanetary commutes, but until then, lets keep it as spectacular as it has been for all of us earth creatures for some time (decades/centuries) to come.
Seeing as people have been playing golf, taking happy snaps to send home and generally poking around the surface, we reckon it's time to Shuffle.
1. Phase 1. We lobby both Russian and American governments to get an American and Russian astro/cosmo- naut to shuffle together in the Space Station as a gesture of peace and good will from the people of earth.
If we can achieve that, then a Free Moon Rave is a real possibility, with the efforts of world governments and private moon quests, to preserve, at least for as long as possible the pristine beauty of our moon.
Who here would like to watch the Earth Rise from the Sea Of Tranquility after a rave ?
MORE AT www.SpaceShuffleProgram.com
Saturday, December 17, 2011
[GSM] USA 2011 New Years Eve Naples Florida. 1st Official USA Global Shuffle MeetUp
Welcome to [GSM] USA 2011
Ist Official USA Global Shuffle Meet-Up
New Years Eve 2011 Cambier Park Naples Florida USA
DATE: 31 December 2011
TIME: 2pm - 9pm
LOCATION: Cambier Park 698 6th Ave S
Naples, FL USA 34102
BUY TICKETS. This is a charity event with proceeds going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation
Here’s some video of the wonderful location. A big thanks to the Naples local authorities from shufflers around the world for hosting the 1st Official USA Global Shuffle MeetUp
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Russian Melbourne Shuffle Championships 2009, 2010
For Global Shuffle 1 we worked with melbourne shuffle crew 4MR – For Mother Russia to create the first Russian Melbourne Shuffle Championship in Moscow 2009.
You’ll see a few glimpses of it at the beginning of the first clip of the sequence below. A 10 min workout mix with all contestants is the last in the sequence. See how many rounds you can go with the 2009 Russian Melbourne Shuffle Champions.
This first clip is the Invitation to the 2010 Russian Melbourne Shuffle Championship.
This is the Warm Up party at Raveland
This is a quick clip of the 2010 Championships with the 2010 Russian Melbourne Shuffle Championships Winner !
Here’s some raw footage with live sound to give you an idea of how the championship rounds are conducted. There is an MC on the dance floor and DJ’s will call out dance routine changes to test the shufflers reflexes
Here’s the extended mix from the 2009 Russian Shuffle Championships. See how many rounds you can go with the 2009 Champions
Here’s how 4MR and the 2009 Russian Melbourne Shuffle Championships appear in Global Shuffle 1 released 2010.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
For Norway: Freedom and Love [GSM]2011 Drammen 6.08.2011
We have been in discussion with our shuffle friends in Norway about whether it is appropriate to have a meetup so soon after the killing tragedy.
Norwegians are the creators of the Nobel Peace Prize and survived Nazi occupation and burnt earth policy trying to erase any trace of Sami people from the planet in WW2. The Nazi’s failed, the Norwegians survived and continue to show the world how to respond to aggressors with a vigil of flowers.
The rest of the world can learn a lot from Norway, and needs to.
Locals have asked the meetup not only go ahead but expands. There will an afternoon all age session and an evening session which will be in a club for older shufflers.
Global Shuffle will be officially dedicating this meetup to the people of Norway for Freedom and Love.
So far about 100 locals from Drammen have confirmed they’ll attend, and we expect many more.
Our first priority is for local safety, and we may need to change plans or location on short notice. So please check with the local facebook page for the event in Drammen. Any immediate changes will appear there, then be officially confirmed in this post as an update.
Our Meet Up Sound System sponser Konnerud Lyd og Lys
Tenkte jeg skulle legge ut litt informasjon hvor mye Lyd, lys, lasere og scene Konnerud Lyd og Lys sponser Shuffle Meet Up'en i drammen.
1 x Luna 550mW color laser (lots of different colers)
2 x Venus 50mW green laser
1 x Uranus 100mW green laser
1 x Mercury 100mW red laser
2x 250W colorchanger
1 x Strobe of 1500WATT!!
4 x 18" Yorkville Sub
3 x 15" Electro Voice topp
3x American Audio VX2500
1250 W pr topp
800W pr sub!
Drammen Shuffle Meetup #1 06.08.2011
HASC Shuffle Meet Up – 28.02.2012
OSLO Shuffle Meet Up 30.06.2012